Mundane 06

Title: Mundane


“My house is a maze
and it never ceases to amaze me.

How i could sit for hours and get entertained with the mundane.

Each room is a new universe
and I’m its creator.

There are no rules on what follows next.

There are competitions of skill and ability
but no one to judge who wins or loses.

I can be every version of myself
no matter
how dumb,
how careless,
how raunchy,
how fragile.

There’s no one
who would break me,
to hurt me,
to correct me,
to laugh at me …”

– Inspiration & Adaptation from The Purgatory of Monotony, Rhié AW14 Short Film

*Featured and published on Denim Jeans Observer (March 9, 2015)

April 15 2015
Copyright © 2000-2015-infinitas. Keith Carlos. All rights reserved worldwide.
Keith Carlos // Mental Stimulus: Avanguardia Moda // High Fashion Conceptual Photography +
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